The Rise of Technocratic Fascism
The Vaccine Passport is a Fascist Control Mechanism That Must Be Rejected
With the rollout of a global C-19 vaccine campaign, we are witnessing the unprecedented ascendance of technological and medical fascism on a scale never before seen. While comparisons with the Nazi medical experiments have been discommended as extreme, if the Covid vaccinations are as dangerous as they appear to be, what the globalists are unleashing upon humanity is at the very least comparable, if not much worse.
Many remain unaware that this is an attack on some of the most fundamental rights and freedoms of the citizens of the world. According to renowned cardiologist Dr. Peter McCullough, the intervention of the so-called Covid ‘vaccines’ may represent, “the most dangerous biological medicinal product rollout in human history.” The cure seems to be far worse than the disease. At least as dangerous as the Covid-19 ‘vaccine’ experimental gene therapy is the innocuous sounding ‘vaccine passport’ which is being rolled out in many countries of the world. In recent weeks, we have witnessed the introduction of restrictions on freedom of movement of those unwilling to be experimental subjects. Within mere months, a new category of discrimination has appeared that is not only condoned, but seemingly cheered on by Covid cultists - fanatics who argue that anything goes to protect the herd. Those who question or dissent to this medical experiment are being segregated, ostracized, vilified and, now in countries like Austria, prevented from being allowed into shopping malls and grocery stores. The level of hysteria that has suddenly gripped the citizens of once free countries is mind boggling. It’s no wonder so many are describing this as ‘mass formation psychosis’ as it seems like the docile and obedient mobs lining up for their injections are under some kind of spell. There is, however, widespread resistance and ongoing demonstrations against these illiberal policies, but they can only be seen on social and alternative media and even there information is being heavily censored. The mainstream media are strangely silent while hundreds of thousands march in countries around the world to rebuke this heinous policy of segregation, and while increasing numbers of people are getting sick from the injections. Platforms like Youtube and Twitter regularly shadowban and deplatform anyone who takes a position that deviates from this ‘new abnormal’ ideology or reveals the truth about what is going on. Something is truly rotten in the western world.
This newsletter will try to contextualize these developments over the last several months. It is aimed at those who may be just waking up to the harsh reality that something is not right. More and more I see Tweets on my feed with someone saying, “something sinister seems to be afoot” or “my co-worker, 25 years old, died in his sleep last night.” Many of those who have taken 2 or 3 Covid vaccines are now being told they might need a fourth. And yet, there is a growing litany of adverse reactions to the Covid vaccines, which is more obvious among high profile citizens. For example, there is clearly something wrong with professional footballers having an unheard of number of heart attacks this year, and while reports of pilots having ‘vaccidents’ is still hard to confirm, this tweet (sourcing the official magazine of the Airline Pilots Association), suggests that pilot deaths are up over 1700%. Furthermore, there was this story of a ‘pilot medical emergency’ just recently in Canada. All of this is leading more and more to question the crumbling narrative. What on earth is going on?
Movement Licenses
Behind the scenes on social media a war is being played out. An unconventional war. A war on your mind. As Marshal McLuhan presciently warned, World War III would be, “a guerrilla information war with no division between military and civilian participation.” We are currently seeing this play out in real-time on social media. An anecdote serves to highlight a media coverup of grand proportions where the purveyors of the grand vaccine narrative do their level best to prevent any criticism of what amounts to a technocratic ideological intervention on society. Big Media (in this case Twitter, but the same holds true for Google and Facebook, as well as the major networks), apparently in servitude to Big Pharma, have obfuscated the imposition of Nazi-style movement licenses under the cover of this vaccine rollout. This can be seen in a now infamous tweet of April 5, 2021, Twitter user Roadtoserfdom3 clarified the true intent behind lockdowns, vaccines and the vaccine passport:
Roadtoserfdom3's April 5, 2021 Tweet which has garnered over 36 million impressions as of December 2021
The tweet was labelled by Twitter with a “misleading” label and was blocked from being replied to, shared or liked. The Twitter gods had obviously been offended, or at least their overlords were. However, that didn’t stop Roadtoserfdom3’s followers from spreading the word in spite of silicon valley censorship. Despite the ban, the tweet could still be retweeted as a quote tweet, and the interesting thing was that a committed following continued to boost it – or in some cases, images of it – in a clever workaround. It was a direct, popular rebuke of the Twitter gods’ censorship, and, as of December 2021, the tweet had garnered a staggering 36 million impressions. It continues to make its regular rounds in the Twitterverse. Most likely, the offending element was the claim that the Covid-19 vaccines were experimental gene therapy, a claim that is nonetheless backed by reputable doctors such as Dr. Robert Malone. The whole incident highlights both the advantages and disadvantages of social media in today’s highly controlled online arena, but more importantly, how dialogue about all of these crucially important issues is being systematically repressed. It doesn’t take a genius to realize that blatant censorship is one of the first telltale signs of totalitarianism. It also suggests that the powers that shouldn’t be are for some reason afraid of Roadtoserfdom3’s statement. Does the truth hurt too much?
Roadtoserfdom3's now infamous tweet garnered over 36 million impressions by mid-December
As roadtoserfdom3’s censored tweet clarifies, these are movement licenses, and restrict the fundamental right of freedom of movement. On October 28, 2021, during a press conference of the European Parliament, parliamentarians Christian Terhes (Romania) and Christine Anderson (Germany) among others questioned whether the vaccine rollout in Europe was in fact part of a democratic process, or whether it represented a tyrannical overstep of state and corporate collusion. Terhes had requested to see the contracts that had been signed behind closed doors between Pfizer and the bureau of the European Parliament. After much debate, Terhes and his colleagues were finally given the contracts. In the interest of transparency, and for the benefit of his constituency, Terhes let the press gallery see them. Clearly taken aback, he pointedly asked, “so you’re imposing a medical product on the European citizens without them knowing what’s in this contract? Not only them knowing, but us! We don’t know!” As can be clearly seen in the video, most of the pages were completely redacted. This represents an unprecedented level of obfuscation and lack of transparency – and this in a democracy! Truly – as never before – democracy is under threat. If this isn’t evidence of some kind of cover-up, I don’t know what is.
European Parliamentarian Christian Terhes holds up the redacted contracts between the European Parliament and Pharmaceutical Companies which have been completely redacted.
Not only freedom of movement, but freedom of information, freedom of assembly and bodily autonomy – to name only a few – have suddenly been stripped of citizens, not only in Europe, but all over the world. They include many of the rights enshrined in the national constitutions and seminal founding documents of the countries of the west, such as the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, the US Constitution, the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights, the Oviedo Convention of the European Union, and the Nuremburg Principles. For almost a century, those rights and freedoms have been the cornerstone of western liberal democracy, and now, in our most vulnerable moment, they are being covertly undermined under the auspices of the so-called “pandemic.” What we see happening is the evisceration of civil liberties for the benefit of some kind of corporate-state secret agreement to impose a dangerous and questionable experimental injection on an unwitting global population. Fortunately, for those who have suspected that something is not quite right, there have been brave doctors and scientists willing to risk their careers to call this cynical opportunism what it is. As an example, Royal College certified pathologist Dr. Roger Hodkinson offered testimony at the Edmonton City Hall meeting on November 13, 2020, where he called the unfolding panic being induced by the media and government agencies, “the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on an unsuspecting public.” Indeed, it is a hoax. It is worse even than ‘the crime of the century’ – it is the crime of the millennium. The coming months and years will see a fierce rejection of totalitarianism and a growing realization that the people need to remove the totalitarian mafia at the top.